I’d like to take a minute to kick things off with my first blog. Currently, I’m overseas in Korea after being stationed here until at least December. Surprisingly enough, I still get to follow my dream and do some tournament fishing over here. I know, when you think of Korea bass fishing generally doesn’t come to mind, but believe it or not it’s actually big over here. I joined and was accepted to fish as a Pro in the Korean Sport Fishing Association (KSA) circuit and really am enjoying it.
The format is a bit different than I am used to, with no co-anglers, only one day of practice, and then a one day tournament. I’m starting to get more comfortable with it and nearly won last week’s event, but lost with a dead fish penalty.
We had a few tournaments cancelled this season when the Ferry accident was going on and rightfully so. Now we are getting into monsoon season, so who knows what could happen. My upcoming tournament will probably be a wet one, but I actually enjoy fishing in the rain. My game plan is to do some offshore fishing with some Livingston cranks, 10XD’s, and some ribbontail worms. I got onto the offshore bite last tournament and was surprised to see no one else out there. The Livingston cranks have worked great over here, but one other angler got their hands on some, somehow and has been doing well also.
Anyways, it’s work with a little fishing and competing which is alright with me. I’m looking forward to my upcoming tournament especially after getting onto a little offshore pattern. Glad to make my first blog post and will be updating you all with news a lot more frequently from fishing overseas.